(Virtual) Body Language for Persuasive Presentations


Amplifying your authenticity starts with understanding one important factor. There are two conversations happening in every interaction. One with our words, the other with our body language. The alignment of these two is key to showcase sincerity with our messaging.

This week we explore the impact of hand gestures and body language and how these actions can also clarify our intent in the virtual setting.

To watch, Body Language That Amplifies Authenticity, click here.

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Transcript: Hand Gestures and Body Language for Persuasive (Virtual) Presentations

Whether you’re making an important pitch, delivering a presentation or just sharing ideas before you’ve said a word, you are already communicating your message. How you move. Where you look. How you gesture. Your unconscious non-verbal communication is sending cues to your audience. In this video, I’ll explain how your gestures speak louder than your words and how you can ensure both forms of communication are saying the exact same thing. 

I'm Riaz, and I’m guessing by now, you’re totally analyzing my body language. Hello, Welcome to the Every Conversation Counts platform. This is the channel that helps Leaders, Experts and Coaches Connect Every Time You Speak On Stage and On Camera. If you're looking to Maximize Your Authentic Impact, subscribe to this channel and hit the bell for the heads up when new content is released weekly. 

You can do the prep work. Have the best intentions to inspire others and practice your Speech over and over. Yet, when you finally present your ideas, your audience could still be second guessing your sincerity, because your ‘polished’ presentation, lacks one important ingredient. Authenticity. 

What gets in the way? Your unconscious communication. How you gesture, or fail to gesture to emphasize the words you are saying. If you take a step back and think about it… there are always two conversations happening. One. Through Your Words and Two, Through Your Gestures. 

I used to underestimate the impact of using gestures when I first started working as a television host. Initially, I didn’t want to be that guy that was over the top with my energy, so I played it cool and downplayed my physicality when I’d share important news. The more footage I would review of my work on camera, the more I’d realize I was missing the mark with my body language. A good friend and communication coach Nick Morgan is a champion of the idea that “gesture precedes conscious thought”. “gesture precedes conscious thought”. He has pointed out that if your spoken message and your body language aren’t aligned, audiences will believe your nonverbal message more.” 

Thinks about our common reactions before we say a thing. When we agree -We nod , disagree - We shake our heads, if we think the person in front of us has lost their damn mind, we roll our eyes. These are examples of gestures that express immediate reaction in much more powerful ways that words can.” If your words and gestures don’t match up, you will come across as inauthentic. Imagine nodding and saying to someone- (nodding), that’s a terrible idea - the person would be totally confused. Now in virtual meetings, we all know connection becomes a big challenge. When you’re communicating, I invite you to consider the following gestures that will help you deliver your message with authenticity:

  1. Size Up The Situation -Use your hands to describe the magnitude of the news you are sharing.  For example - if are pitching for a big contract, convey your belief in the massive potential of the collaboration by gesturing. This is huge, it’s a really big moment for all of us to win. REPEAT: This is huge, it’s a really big moment for all of us to win. Which one is more convincing?

  2. Feel the Emotion-  Hand over heart - in some countries like Malaysia, it’s a common greeting instead of the traditional handshake. Given COVID, imagine if that became a way for us to greet each other. “It’s nice to meet you.” or “Hey, that meant alot to me, thanks for helping me out.” This simple gesture conveys intimacy and sincerity. You want to Bring people in.

  3. Compare and Contrast - Compare and Contrast - We could use our hands to describe two different options. We could watch the Raptors game LIVE, or pre record it and watch it without the Commercials. High stakes decisions here I know. It lets the audience know there are two clear options to consider and the physical gesture helps your audience to separate, compare and evaluate both options. 

  4. Determination and Excitement- Speaking of Sports - we see athletes do this all the time when they’re Fired Up. First pump. It’s a simple way to convey the emotion of the moment.

  5. Talk to the Hand - IN the Virtual Space-Watch out for hand gestures in the virtual space when you are too close to the screen. What ends up happening is it can appear as if you’re putting your hands in your audience’s face and invading their personal space. Keep a healthy distance from the camera so that you can gesture openly and still maintain an inviting presence for your viewers.

THE First thing I want you to do after watching this, ask yourself Do your gestures match your words In your conversations and presentations? If they’re off, which idea from this video can you use to recalibrate your message and amplify your authenticity, LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS BELOW. For more ideas on how to connect with others, you can download the free guide - the 5 secrets to making every conversation count, that link is in the description. 

Thanks for watching this video - if you want to captivate your virtual audience or learn more about having an authentic presence on camera, check out these videos. If you found this content valuable, hit the like button, subscribe and feel free to share the content. We will see you in the next video. 

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