Ace the Guest Intro


Chances are you’ve been asked to set the stage at a meeting or event by introducing a guest speaker and did one of the following:

👉🏾 Went the safe route and simply read their bio.

👉🏾 Hyped them up with “Now, this speaker needs no introduction.”

👉🏾 Or maybe you went with sheer optimism “I’m sure they will be great!”

One of the most common presentations that gets overlooked is the guest speaker introduction. Many leaders have a great intention to serve, yet miss the mark by failing to concisely articulate why the audience should care.

Click here for this week’s video as we explore the keys to effectively introduce a guest speaker to not only, set your speaker up for success, but also and more importantly, ignite emotion and intrigue and have your audience excited for what they are about to learn.

What do you love to see and hear in the guest speaker introduction?

👇🏾 Share your favourite ideas in the YouTube comments section.


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