How to Deal with Uncertainty (Without Freaking Out)


Will I have a job in a few months? Can I afford my rent or mortgage? Will my family be ok? All are questions driving the state of uncertainty we are living in right now.

Psychologists say uncertainty is hard given our human nature craves predictability. If we don’t know when a phase like this will end, our emotions run high, we can become resistant to trust others, and the hardest part is that we may have very little control over the outcome. 

Yes, uncertainty is specific to the person and can be difficult, yet it provides an opportunity for fundamental change and the four ideas in this week’s video will help you keep your calm, stay connected and thrive during this unpredictable time. You can watch the video by clicking here.

What helps you keep your cool in the face of uncertainty? Let me know in the YouTube comments.

Hoping you stay safe, healthy and connected.


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