Meaningful Human Connection


After two years of living in isolation, our universal reveal has been that human connection isn’t an option, it’s a necessity. The idea of being in a room full of people, without masks or a worry of contracting COVID seems like a faint memory.

Whether you are attracting or retaining talent, or attempting to create new business relationships, how can we engage with our clients and teams to give them a meaningful interaction, instead of settling for empty and emotionless video calls? As we look ahead to being back together, if we want to thrive in 2022 and beyond, a vital task will involve alleviating that sense of disconnection.  

Check out the CPHR BC Article for PeopleTalk magazine to intentionally connect with your customers, your clients and your teams.

This April, I’m thrilled to be presenting and emceeing at the CPHR BC and Yukon Conference Expo Connect Conference. For full details, click here.

#HumanConnection #Trust #HybridReality #Communication #Connection #EveryConversationCounts #RiazMeghji

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Connect with Confidence


Building Trust in a Hybrid Reality